Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Running the Race

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." -Hebrews 12:1

Life, if you could even call it that, without Christ is like standing on the side lines of a race. Your just standing there, alone. They have the option to run the next race coming up, but you don't. You don't even bother to get in the starting position.
As you stand there, They are filled with a longing to run the race because you know it will give them some sort of meaning. They know it will give you hope! The hardest part, though, is just starting the race. It seems so simple, you just do it! Unfortunately, to many people it's one of the hardest things to do. They have to leave the comfort of all they have ever known. Their ignorance scares them from leaving the hell they have been living in.
As they watch others step up, start their race, and run, they see the perseverance and determination of each runner as they start off. They also see the courage it took to step up and begin the race. After a while, some begin to grow tired and lose their drive so they sit down and rest. Others stumble and fall. Only a few continue to run unwaveringly.
This is when the ones standing on the side lines quit watching the race. They frown upon the runners who grew tired and the ones that stumbled and fell. They call them hypocrites wanting nothing to do them or the race for fear that they might do the same.
Unfortunately for them, they quit watching the race too soon.
The ones that grew weary and tired where brought water and given rest so they could get up and continue the race. For the ones that stumbled and fell, someone came to pick them up and dust them off so that they too could finish the race.
You see, the ones who never begin the race don't realize that when you fall down or grow tired standing on the side lines, their isn't anyone their giving you water or picking you back up. Your on your own. But, after all, that's how they chose for it to be.
When all Christians start off their race, or relationship with Christ, they are passionate and determined to grow more and more! Unfortunately, after a while some start to grow tired and start wavering in their faith and others sometimes fall down in their faith. But God is always their to pick them back up, refresh them, and remind them of why they started running, or following Christ, in the first place. Non believers don't always see or understand this and turn themselves against Christs love.
The race we run is not perfect. It's not easy. It's long and challenging. But the prize is far greater and any of us can fathom, and we are never left running alone. God is always with us!

"...The race is not to the swift. or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise, or wealth to the brilliant, or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all."
-Ecclesiastes 9:11


Darla said...

very nicely said Bailey, i'm impressed with your wisdom. keep posting.

Payneski said...

Amen! This is very true about the race we must start and finish. The hard thing about it this race is that it is very hard but through hard work and strong determination and the guidance of the Spirit, we can overcome anything(Hebrew 4:14-16)! I really enjoyed it! I hope to read more soon!!
