Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Everyone has troubles all throughout their lives! It is just a fact! Some peoples troubles may seem bigger or smaller than others. Ultimately I believe that in the end it all evens out. Its not really about the trouble we face but how the deal with it and grow from it. What may seem small to you may be huge to someone else! We all have our own unique lives, no two are exactly the same.

When we are in a slump in our lives, sometimes it is easy to look at other people and judge them thinking that God blessed them and they have never faced anything like what you have had to go through! When we are in that slump or hole in our lives, we tend to become really selfish and think everyone in the world is against us. It is hard not to be jealous when you see someone laughing and being carefree while you are struggling to keep your head above the water. It can set on an array of emotions and make it harder to do what is right. It is harder to find hope or see what good is going to come out of it! But you shouldn't lose hope! "And we know in all things God work for the good of those who love him...' Romans 8:28.

When your down and out it is so easy to forget these words, and it shouldn't be that way! When we are down we become vulnerable, and we become vulnerable to one of two things; God or the devil. Sadly to say, most of the time the devil wins. When bad things happen to us we tend to blame God and say he is against us because of what we are going through. It is totally the opposite of how it should be. We should be reaching out to God and asking for his help instead of blaming him. When you blame God is shows ignorance. It shows that you have let the devil grab hold and you are trying to make since of everything through his standards. Of course the devil is good at twisting things and making it seem like everything is God's fault but in the end God is the one that remains with you to pick you up and take care of you! After everything is said and done, following God is just easier!

God or the devil are not the reasons we face troubles in our lives. It is because of sin that we face these hardships. It has been that way ever since the beginning of time. So really their is no reason to blame God for our troubles. God wants us to draw nearer to him through our troubles. He wants us to rely on him to take care of us because he will! He is our father. He won't let us down. He may not give us what we want, but he gives us what is best for us!

I believe that the troubles we face help shape us into who we are. They either make us grow or regress. If we never had to face any troubles we would never grow and it would give us less reason to trust and put faith in God. Our troubles are a blessing in disguise if we deal with them in the right way. We may not always see the good in our troubles right away, if ever, but their is good in it! Paul faced so many troubles and hardships while doing to work of God, but every time he looked at it not as a bad thing but a blessing! He had it figured out!...I think it is about time we did too!

In 2 Corinthians 1:8-9 he wrote, "...We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God..."


Sarah Victoria said...

another great one!